Dr. Terry Yount earned his bachelor’s of music at the University of Alabama, and both his master’s of music and DMA at the Eastman School of Music. Emeritus both Chief Musician at Saint Andrew’s Chapel and Dean of Saint Andrew’s Conservatory, Dr. Yount teaches organ, piano, and harpsichord.
He has taught or performed in colleges and universities in New York, Kentucky, Maryland, Washington D.C., and Florida. He has recorded “Music at St. Paul’s,” “Ligonier Sinfonia,” “God of Grace and Glory,” and “Festive Dedication.” He has toured Europe multiple times as an organist with various ensembles.
Dr. Yount agrees with J. S. Bach who said “I play the notes as they are written but it is God who makes the music.” He resides in Lake Mary with his wife Laura, who teaches voice.